Keeping your computer safe and secure these days can be quite a task. It seems that everywhere you look, people are trying to steal your personal data, infect your computer with a nasty virus, or trick you into clicking links that aren’t legitimate. As you are probably using your computer to tackle a number of increasingly personal tasks, it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re protected. If you’ve ever been a victim of a devastating virus that wiped out your hard drive or received a strange email that secretly emailed all of your contacts, you know the importance of keeping your PC safe.
While there’s no substitute for an updated real-time virus scanner installed on your computer, there are times when you may not have antivirus software installed, or it may be costly to purchase an additional license for a computer that isn’t often used. So, luckily there are many
free online scan utilities out there available to you. In addition to being completely free and easy to use, you’ll also get a feel for how many of the different types of programs work. If you’re thinking about purchasing antivirus software for your computer, you can get a better idea of which one might be best for you after trying the online versions.
Trend Micro HouseCall
Trend Micro HouseCall is an online application for checking whether your computer has been infected by viruses, spyware, or other malware. HouseCall performs additional security checks to identify and fix vulnerabilities to prevent reinfection. HouseCall works with most versions of Windows, and Mac OS 10.4 or higher and can be used with IE 6+ and Firefox. Scan your computer with HouseCall now.
BitDefender Online Scanner is an on-demand virus scanner which incorporates the award-winning BitDefender scanning engines. You can use it to scan your system’s memory, all files and drives’ boot sectors, and to automatically clean infected files. You will need Internet Explorer to run this scan. Use BitDefender today.
Symantec Norton Security Scan
Symantec offers two different scanning options. You can scan for security problems or just do a virus scan. In addition, you can also opt to download a free version of the basic software to your computer so it runs automatically without requiring you to go online and manually run the scan. You will need IE 5+ with ActiveX in order to run the online version. Try Symantec now.
F-Secure Online Scanner
F-Secure Online Virus Scanner is a free service. Use it to find out if your computer is infected, and disinfect your computer if needed. To use this scan, you will need to be running Windows and use Internet Explorer with javascript and ActiveX installed. In addition to the online virus scan, you may find the F-Secure Health Check useful as well. The health check will scan your computer and applications to determine if there are any outdated software or other vulnerabilities detected. Use the F-Secure online virus scanner.
McAfee Free Scan
McAfee FreeScan helps you detect thousands of viruses on your computer. Based on the award-winning McAfee VirusScan engine, FreeScan searches for viruses, including the latest known “in the wild” viruses, and displays a detailed list of any infected files. Should viruses be found, FreeScan even provides links to more information about the viruses and what you can do to clean your system. Try McAfee Free Scan now.
CA Online Virus Scan
Similar to the other scanners, this is a quick online tool that can scan your files for harmful files. The tool allows you to select specific drives or files if you don’t want to scan your entire computer, which is great if you just need to run a quick scan on something in particular. This tool also requires IE with ActiveX installed. Try the CA virus scanner today.
ESET Nod32 Antivirus
The ESET Online Scanner claims to be the best free virus scan. “A user-friendly, powerful tool, our online antivirus utility can remove malware—viruses, spyware, adware, worms, trojans, and more—from any PC utilizing only a web browser. No installation required. The scanner uses the same ThreatSense® technology and signatures as ESET NOD32 Antivirus, which means it is always up-to-date.” I personally use NOD32 as my personal scanner and have purchased their scanning software. The online version does require IE with ActiveX. Try the free online scan now.
Panda ActiveScan
Panda’s ActiveScan is a robust online virus and malware scanner that goes beyond most conventional scanners. Collective Intelligence (scanning in-the-cloud) that detects malware that traditional security solutions cannot detect. If you create a free user account, you can also create custom scans and access your scan history. And even better, this is one of the few online scanners that will work with Firefox. Try Panda’s ActiveScan today.
hey it's a great post,thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteInformative blog but I want to know more about this antivirus, what are its features.
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